Quotable Quote of the Week

Babies control and bring up their families as much as they are controlled by them; in fact ... the family brings up baby by being brought up by him. ~Erik H. Erikson

This quote stroke a chord with me as I've had the privilege of spending quality time with my nephew this evening. It is really amazing how the family dynamics (including extended family) change when a baby is thrown into the mix. 

The BroWife and Austin are in town for other business, and they are crashing at our place. Naeners and I are sooooo excited to have them with us. We were both overjoyed to get to spend time with them and to bond with Austin. Naeners and I discovered how excited we were to leave work and get home to hang-out with Austin. Who knew a baby could be so much fun and fill up so much space in one's heart? I can't imagine what the feeling must be like when it is your own child.

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Naeners and Aunt Stinky,
    Thank you for letting me and my mommy stay with you. I had a great time hanging out with you both. I feel a little sad to be home because Mommy sets me down to get stuff done and no one is holding me! Can you believe that!
    See you soon!


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